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1 day kathmandu tour

1 day kathmandu tour

Bhagawan Bahal, Nepal
Last Updated : Oct 28, 2013

Related Categories : Travel Agencies

One day cultural tour in Kathmandu provides a close glimpse of the country and also showcases the rich and ancient culture and architectural marvels of Nepal. 1-day Kathmandu Tour will take you to the various cultural sites which have been cited as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. During 1-Day Kathmandu Tour, we will take you mainly to The Kathmandu Durbar Square, Swayambhunath Temple, Bauddhanath Stupa, and rests if time allows. After having breakfast in the morning, you will begin the full-day guided sightseeing tour of cultural heritage sites in Kathmandu. Kathmandu Durbar Square is regarded as the finest example of Ancient Nepalese art and architecture.

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