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AnyTech Pvt. Ltd.

AnyTech Pvt. Ltd.

Sifal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Last Updated : Apr 04, 2018

Related Categories : Computer- Software Development

You often read stories of entrepreneurs who came with their million rupees plan over a couple of beers with their friends. Not us. You even hear those feel good stories of college roommates and best friends who started a company together. Not us either. We came together because we believed what we could do with simple, user friendly, and everyday use softwares would represent a shift in how people perceive softwares and its use that are developed in Nepal. We provide you with the best services in software development, web application development and e-enterprise solutions. We combine our technical knowledge and expertise and also the knowledge of latest business or industry trends and quality prioritized and driven model to offer you the best web solutions. Founded in August of 2014 and located in Kathmandu, Nepal, we have gathered trust from small business to big enterprises and government agencies.We are flexible, agile and committed to your success.

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