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Code Sastra

Code Sastra

O km, Pokhara, Nepal
Last Updated : Mar 23, 2017

Related Categories : Mobile & Software Development

About Us We are an end-to-end Information Technology solutions provider & well established company based in Pokhara, Nepal providing web application development,mobile application, branding and software to local and international companies and organizations. We are passionate about all domains we operate in. Our striving for perfection is nothing but its by product.We want to help our clients communicate better with their audience. Print is the most traditional, trusted & treasured way to reach out. At the same time, web & mobile channels are of increasing importance as each day goes by. We offer simple, modern & extensible solutions to leverage these channels & their capabilities to meet your brand objectives. Our Vision In everything we do at Code Sastra we are focused on bringing positive and lasting change through technology to people’s lives and businesses. Our aim in the coming years is to continue doing so – with added confidence and more proven technologies and ideas, we believe we are more capable of delivering people focused products and services that bring positive changes among communities in the country. Our Mission Our mission is to be the leading provider of off-the-shelf and customized software applications for clients to maximize the functionality of their firms and businesses. This mission is delivered to clients with the promise of the highest quality of service, professionalism, and support, addressing their time-to-market and productivity demands through services that offer unparalleled performance, scalability, and reliability.

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