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Cosmos Software

Cosmos Software

Thamel, Nepal
Last Updated : Jul 04, 2013

Related Categories : Computer- Software Development

COSMOS SOFTWARE Company is a software development and application development company providing a full range of services. Our offerings include affordable custom software development, web design & development, custom web programming, ecommerce solutions, outsourced offshore software development, search engine optimization (SEO), website promotion and IT consultancy. We strongly believe that each IT solution is automation of business processes and needs. We employ our knowledge and expertise to provide high impact yet cost effective web solutions to our clients. We work with long-term relationships in mind; the reason our success graph is always on a rise. Our philosophy is very simple; make every solution a rewarding experience for everyone involved. Our strength is in our constantly growing team of project-managers, programmers, developers, web designers and technical experts who possess strong problem-solving and multi-tasking abilities. People at Palm are always ready to impart their knowledge and skills even when dealing with uncertain and unrealistic expectations. We constantly improve our processes and level of expertise which enables us to provide cutting-edge & latest-in-technology solutions. We aspire to becoming an ultimate solution provider. We are committed to our clients and dedicated to their success. Contact us today to know how can we be helpful to you and your business.

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