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Everest High Pass Trek

Everest High Pass Trek

Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nepal
Last Updated : Jun 02, 2017

Related Categories : Travel Agencies

Everest High Pass Trek lead you to the invigorating high goes in the Everest range. The passes are, Cho La Pass, Kongma La and Renjo La pass. Crossing the high passes are propping and asking for to put the essential vitality in the high stature of the Sagarmatha national stop range.From March, April, May, June, September, October and November are the best trekking season. We do arrange the journey each season regardless of the way that in Summer, Spring and Autumn of - 2017-2018 have look motivation and connect with us for cost. The Everest High Passes heads from the Lukla and ascends to Namche Bazaar by methods for the customary trekking course to the Everest Base Camp. Through the slipshod and harsh trail of the withdrew Everest area, the trek parts from Dingbuche, which heads to Chhukung and cross the Kongma La (5820m). After the extraordinary climb, the trek prompts the Everest Base Camp and Kalapatthar by methods for Lobuche. Crossing the Cho La (5420m) takes you to the ideal Blue Lake of Gokyo. Moving to Gokyo RI is another wonderful side outing to the point of view of the Himalayan scenes and the ice sheet. The last pass is the Renjo La (5360m) and trek down the separation to Lukla. In the midst of the excursion, the points of view of the mountains are MT: Everest, Mountain Cho Oyu, Mount Lhotse, Mount Ama Dablam, Makalu and a couple of frigid masses, Lakes, chilly grades and snow topped meadows offer you an unmistakable experience of examining the Everest Himalayan marvels.

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