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High Camp Adventure

High Camp Adventure

Thamel Marg, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Last Updated : Aug 18, 2018

Related Categories : Travel Agencies

High Camp Adventure is made up of a passionate team of specialists that has been providing adventures in the Himalaya for over a decade. As a leading travel and tour operator in Nepal, we are dedicated to satisfaction and excellence at all levels. We adhere to international standards while guiding visitors to the natural and cultural treasures throughout Nepal and beyond to India, Tibet and Bhutan. These lands are ideal for adventure seekers, nature lovers and travelers interested in cultural interaction. From jungle lowlands to the highest peaks on the planet, experience wide-ranging eco-diversity and diverse lifestyles and traditions. Nepal is a place to experience magnificent natural attractions including beautiful flora, exotic fauna and some of the world’s most astonishing mountain scenery. High Camp Adventure is here to guide you on the trip of a lifetime. Over the years, we have earned the respect and trust of our clients and the communities where we operate.

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