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Himalayan Motorbike Tour | Parikrama Trekking pvt. ltd

Himalayan Motorbike Tour | Parikrama Trekking pvt. ltd

Way to Budhanilkantha Road, Near Hattigaunda Khadka Bhadrakali VDC, Okhalgaun – 2, kathmandu, Nepal
Last Updated : Jun 07, 2017

Related Categories : Trekking Agencies

Do you want to ride through the heart of the Himalaya's for the adventure of life changing experience on the open road with two wheelers and get away from the boredom busy life? Remember Parikrama Trekking to experience the awe of the highest motor passes in the world. We are the eldest Himalayan motorbike tour agency in Nepal . We are providing services in Nepal since 1998. With the experienced and devote team, we are dominating bike tours in Nepal and India for more than 15 years. Not only Bike tour we also deliver different adventure trekking and peak climbing options in Nepal. We are the experienced trekking agency in Nepal with 19 years of excellence. Our main motto is to provide the quality service to our clients and make their adventure journey to a memorable experience of their life.

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