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We Volunteer Nepal

We Volunteer Nepal

Erahity road banasthali, Nepal
Last Updated : Apr 22, 2016

Related Categories : Educational Materials

We are a non-profit, non-religious, non-political, non-government organization who links international volunteers with Nepali people. We wish to enrich and improve the lives of both the local people and volunteers by providing new and memorable adventures and experiences. we are established to link international volunteers with Nepali people in an attempt to enrich and improve the lives of Nepali people and provide a new and memorable adventure for volunteers. Our mission is to create and develop a range of dynamic opportunities that would best benefit each volunteer as well as addressing the needs of Nepalese communities. And to empower marginalized communities through enhanced education, health and income generation under women empowerment, children development, youth empowerment and public health programs with special focus on women and children by conducting training and research, developing basic infrastructure, mobilizing skilled local and international volunteer to promote equality, economic well being and basic human right.

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