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Manaslu Trek Compelte Guide

      Yellowpages Nepal

Manaslu trekking circuit is among the best trekking routes in Nepal. Nevertheless, due to the popularity of the other trekking routes like Annapurna Base Camp trekking and Mount Everest Base Camp trekking the trekking routes of Manaslu region is put under the shades. It can be an alternative to the busy trekking routes like Annapurna circuit trekking route and the Everest  Base Camp trekking route. Normally, it takes around 14-15 days depending upon the walking strength of the trekkers to complete the trekking.

The trek advent from Sotikhola and culminates at Besisahar. The most amazing part of the journey is various mesmerizing views of the world’s top list of mountains are glaringly visible from distance. The mountains like Mount Manaslu (8163m) and |Ganesh Himal range is vividly visble from the trekking routes. For the trek lovers who wish to do longer days of trekking can expand the number of days to 22 days with an addition of a side trek of Tsum valley which lies in the Manaslu region. Manalsu region is also known as the region of peace. After the everest base camp area, it is one of the attractive places to visit among the tourists.

Manaslu Weather

The most frequently asked question about travelling to Manaslu is its weather and temperature. Usually Manaslu is sunny during the day and cold during the night.

The most frequently asked questions about traveling to Manaslu Circuit is regarding the weather and temperature. Manaslu circuit trail has serval seasons a day. Manaslu has quickly changing weather.Clouds interchanges with sunny moments, humidity, rain and strong winds. The spring season in the Manaslu starts from March and ends in May.the weather is quite stable during this time in the trekking area. The temperature is neither too hot nor too cold. The best views of mountains can be observed in this season. Talking about monsoon season which starts from June and ends in august, this season gets heavy rainfall,so treaking in this region will be quite difficult. Though the weather will make the trip to Manaslu quite difficult during monsoon these things ofcourse will add adventures on your trip.Autumn season is the peak trekking seasons with attractions like dashain festival and tihar.The climate during this season is dry as this season comprises from September to November.The days are warm and the nights are cooler. .Sometimes the temperature in this season drops below freezing point. however the weather is perfectly comfortable and one can enjoy great views of mountains. Talking about winter season, this season is extremely cold in the Manaslu.this season starts from December and ends in February. this weather brings clear skies and and dry weather in the Manaslu Circuit the temperature in this season downs below – 20 degree centrigrade, the number of visitors in the Manaslu a sum up July is the wettest season, December is the driest and September to October has a nice average temperature. So most of the tourists prefer spring and autumn season to visit manalsu circuit trek.

Altitude of manaslu

 Manaslu can be a great place to visit during your holidays. Manaslu trail is located at an altitude of about 5,123 meters above sea level. As Manaslu is situated at higher altitude this makes the weather of Manaslu quite unpredictable.

Difficulties in the Manaslu Trek

As mentioned above, the weather of the Manaslu trek is quite unpredictable, so the weather in the Manaslu region can bring major difficulties. The rocky trails of Manaslu can add fatigue to a physically weak person. Crossing the Larkya La Pass at altitude 5,213 m is the most challenging day during this entire trek. You need to have technical skills to cross roads full of snow and the high alpines. The trip is also going to be difficult in budhi gandaki gorge which is a harrowing steep.The traveller should walk with so many high hills and downs.Breezy tails and cross suspensionbridges are also going to be a major difficulty during the trip. Though all the difficulties and hurdles you are facing, one assurance is clear that you’ll experience more wilderness, remote and adventure during Manaslu Circuit trek. Walking slowly, taking regular rest, and drinking plenty of water are the keys to stay away from altitude sickness. You need to carry basic things with yourself to avoid danger.

Cost of Trekking to Manaslu

One of the most attractive thing about travelling in the Manaslu world is that its not that much expensive than you would think. Its quite cheaper than visiting Everest.As Manaslu region is restricted area of Nepal, the government has applied a special rule and cost for the Manaslu trekking permit. The traveller needs 3 permits to travel to Manaslu world:

  1. Manaslu  restricted permit

  2. Manaslu conservation area permit

  3. Annapurna conservation area project permit

  4. Tsum valley restricted permit 

One need to get tusm valley restricted to permit only if they are going to visit tusm valley. Talking about the cost one need to spend in this area depends upon the season they are travelling. From September to November, the cost of travelling in the Manaslu trail is about USD 100 per person.if you are travelling fromdecember to august the cost per person is USD 75 or around that for first week. Most of the trekkers visit Manaslu trail for 7 to 14 days but some trekkers choose to visit for 17 days also. The cost of visiting this area is comparatively cheaper than Everest base camp and other mountains. so i suggest the tourists consider this area as well as it is not explored much.

Travel Insurance for Manaslu

The Manaslu is the 54th-deadilest avalanche in history as calculated by the total death toll. Because of rocky hills and sloply lands full of snow one must have health insurance before going for Manaslu trip. Looking at the terrain, health risks and other factors, one must have recommended vacations and health checkups before visiting Manaslu.there are so many types of insurance regarding Manaslu trip and its one of the basic compulsion for the traveller.

Altitude Sickness in the Manaslu

Manaslu is situated at a very high altitude of about 5123 meters. Its obvious that one has more possibility to get altitude sickness.Altitude sicknss is a complex of headache, nausea dizziness, fatigue and sleeplessness.Anyone is likely to suffer this even when they are physically strong. Altitude sickness has no any relation with gender and fitness.As altitude sickness occurs because of low atmospheric pressure, the traveller should take an oxygen cylinder with them .so in order to prevent altitude sickness what you can do is you should keep yourself hydrated and avoid riskfactors .but in case if you got altitude sickness you must go down in low altitude area. 

Hiiring a guide in the Manasu Area

A guide is the most need when you are travelling to a new place. Manaslu is quite a different place and for new visitors roaming around Manaslu trail canbe a difficult work to do. So travellers need a guide inorder to help them. For hiring a guide, travellers need to pay USD 25  per day in restricted area including accommodation, meals, salary,etc. As it will be quite difficult for travellers to carry load in that region so potter facilities are also found in the Manaslu need to pay USD 18 to 20 per day including accommodation, salary, meals, etc.

Finding a Travel Agency for Manaslu Trek

Manaslu trek is one of the favourite treeking places for treekers. There are so many travel agenies who organize your trip to Manaslu world. The trek combines the cultural and natural beauty, you’ll enjoy magnificent landscapes and view of snow-capped mountains.Mountain adventure holidays and Nepal trekking routes trek are one of the most popular travel agencies travellers choose to visit mansalu.Other travel agencies like exodus travel,Eco holiday Nepal are also the travel agencies travellers prefer. There are certain boundaries one must fulfil before travelling to Manaslu.


Manaslu Trek Route

To be in the Manaslu region at first one should follow the given 3 permits given by the government or governmental policies 

a.   Restricted Area Permit 

b. Manaslu Conservation Area Permit, 

c.  Annapurna Conservation Area Permit 

d.  Tsum Valley Permit 

you need to follow the tsum valley permitonly if you are going to visit tusum valley. The route to Manaslu trip contains aurghat first. Following soti khola and machha khola, the travellers need to go jagat and toafter crossing so many hurdles and place the travellers reach to Tilje and after that to Manaslu area.Manalsu  circuit route is of 177 kilometers (110 miles),skirts the Manaslu massif over the lake pass down the Annapurna

Manaslu with Tsum Valley Trek

So if you want to visit Manaslu with tsum valley then you must get the permit d i.e. Tsum valley permit. Tsum valley trek will be the fusion of adventure and excitement. Tsum valley comes under the most beautiful places of Manaslu area which is less explored by people. The trek has thundering waterfalls and rivers, rocky trails which cling to cliffy faces. The inhabitants of tsum region are gurung community. I can assure that you would really enjoy travelling in tsum region This region has exciting landscapes and different cultures and cultural diversity.

Alternating Trekking to Manaslu

Though manalsu is a very beautiful place to visit, the route of Manalsu is very adventurous and dangerous place to visit. Makalu base camp, Kanchenjunga Trek, Langtang Valley Trek, Everest Gokyo Lake Trek, Upper Mustang Trek, Everest Base Camp trip can be the alternative trips to Manalsu but also one must visit manalsu atleast once as it is one of the most beautifulplace to visit in Nepal.

Manaslu Packing List

Weight limits

If you are travelling to Manaslu try to minimize your loads. As you need to walk more for so many hours, up and down hills, sloply lands, snowy plains and so on. So you need to minimize your loads.

Sleeping gear

you must carry a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, pillow because its not sure that where you need to sleep It can benight when travelling .so these all things come under basic necessity.

Trekking  clothes

As this place has very low climate, you must wear warm clothes. It includes foot wears, socks,hand wears, head wears high HPF sunscreen,etc. you needto cover all parts of your body so that you wont be affected. As nights are cooler you need to carry blankets and other things also with you.

Food and water

Food is our basic need. Manaslu is a very remote place .so it will be difficult to find you need to carry a huge amount of food with yourself. You can be hungry anytime. So you must carry dry foods and water with will be dehydrated so you need to drink huge amount of water to keep yourself hydrated.


Not only during day whenthe sun is at the centre and is giving rapid rays but also for the morning and evening time to avoid eye infection and other sunglasses can be regarded as one of the most essentials during the trip.


Manalsu circuit trip, also known as the lonely planet is one of the most beautiful creatures of nature.It has the 7th highest mountain in the world. Manaslu Circuit trek is a fantastic adventure. The snow capped mountains and sloply lands give eyepopping view.The cost of visiting this region is also not very high so anyone caneasily be there. If you are fond of adventures then its sure that this place is made for you.The jaw dropping beauty of manalsu,its forest and mountains will ofcourse attract you. With its remoteness and adventurous landscapes, it is regarded as the pride of Nepal,one of the most tourist attracting places.This trip serves as one of the best options for mountain climbers. 


What permits should the trekker take while trekking Manaslu circuit?

It is important to take the following permis to visit Manalsu 

      a.  Restricted Area Permit 

b. Manaslu Conservation Area Permit 

c. Annapurna conservation area project permit

d. Tsum valley restricted permit  (if you want to visit tsum valley )


What is the mode of transportation to reach the Manaslu circuit?

The easiest way of transportation is by aeroplane, however, there are other modes of transportation as well. Bus and jeep are other modes of transportation while one can book a charter helocopeter to reach the Manaslu region


Are guides easily available in the Manaslu trek?

Guide and porter are easily avaibale in the manalsu trekking circuit. You need to pay a certain amount to them which includes their salary, accommodation, fooding and so on.


Should the trekkers do their insurance?

You should better do insurance before going on manalsu trip. It is an adventurous and dangerous place. So health insurance will be the best option.


How is the lodging and fooding condition of Manaslu trek? 

There are so many nights stays in manalsu where trekkers get the best service and other facilities according to the situation. The lodging is quite cheap in manalsu .you canenjoy good views good place to stay.


What are the difficulties one should face while trekking the Manaslu region?

  1. Because of high altitude, you can face altitude sickness.

  2. Sloply lands 

  3.  Walking path covered with snows

  4. Shortage of transportation facilities

  5. Shortage of drinking water

  6. Shortage of guides and porters during spring and autumn 

  7. Lack of communication facilities 

  8. Fooding is also a problem as there is the least number of general stores near the mountain area.

Manalsu is a great place to visit!!!!!!


Дно фольги нужно смазать маслом можно любым растительным, но если осетрина жирная то этого не стоит делать, она не пригорит в процессе приготовления. Одежда охотника, рыболова, туриста. Если он будет сделан из тонкой проволоки, то это будет правильно. Рыбалка киржач приозерное. Возможно, даже профессионал, играючи орудуя спиннингом, вылавливающий самую верткую рыбу. Если вы используете достаточно крупные приманки, то их веса вполне хватит, чтобы делать точный заброс и пролавливать основные горизонты воды. Чтобы удерживать рыбу в точке ужения, необходимо один раз в полчаса делать докорм.

Эхолоты прочно вошли в обиход продвинутых рыбаков. Про запрет действительно очень много говорят и спорят. И также стоит обратить внимание на многофункциональные ножи, которые могут пригодиться в самый неожиданный момент.

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Manaslu Packages:
Manaslu Short Circuit with Larke La Pass-15 days:
Lower Manaslu Trekking - 13 Days:
Around Manaslu Trekking - 14 Days:
Tsum Valley Short Trek - 15 Days:
Tsum Valley Manaslu Trekking - 24 Days:

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