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Everest Base Camp Trekking

Everest Base Camp Trekking

Chhetrapati Chowk Thamel, Kathmandu Nepal, Nepal
Last Updated : Aug 20, 2017

Related Categories : Trekking Agencies

Everest Base Camp Trekking Everest Base Camp Trekking is one of the most preferred trekking in Nepal. People all over the world loved to visit Nepal, especially Mt. Everest since the time Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa succeed in climbing the Mt. Everest in 1953. Everest’s frightening peak rises so high that the trekking to the base camp is still an adventure of the highest sort. The breathtaking scenery of this region with green dense forest, flora and fauna, high spectacular glaciers, and typical unique settlement of Sherpa people with their own culture and tradition is the most attractive thing that you can see here. Our carefully created Everest Base Camp Trekking guarantees proper accommodation, allowing you to fully enjoy one of your most stunning adventures. You will stand face to face with Mt. Everest, which is also known as the “Goddess Mother of the Earth,” from the easily reached high-point of 18,513 foot Kala Patthar while on the Everest. On this journey of a lifetime, you’ll experience the base camp life of Mt. Everest climbers, wonder at the stunning views from Kala Patthar, trek to the Khumbu Icefall, and also engage yourself with the friendly Sherpa people of Nepal. Our trek to the base of Mount Everest will exceed your expectations.Everest Base Camp Trekking trail leads you through the famous villages of Namche and Khumjung and Thyangboche that reflects the prominent Sherpa culture. We also ascents to Kala Patthar (5545m) from where our professional guides will point out the standard climbing routes to the summit. This mixture of outdoor adventure is a great way to experience the Himalayan Mountains – the world’s most remarkable mountains. So to make your adventure remarkable come to The Nepal Trekking Company which will be your one stop solution. Our Everest Base Camp Trekking package includes all the facilities that you want during the trekking. Cost Includes Airport pick up and drop offs 3 nights accommodation in Kathmandu ,3 star hotel on B.B Kathmandu city sightseen with car and tour guide. Twin share accommodation in lodge/teahouse during the trek and Daily Mountain Meals. Kathmandu to Lukla and Lukla to Kathmandu flight ticket with airport tax (Guest and Guide) All necessary paper work and national park entry permits All the necessary paper work and government tax. Trekker’s information Management System (TIMS) cards 1 English speaking,liscen holder,experience and helpful guide 1 porter for two guests Nepali Sim Cards, If Needed. Traditional Nepali dinner Medical supplies Cost Excludes Nepal entry visa fees Kathmandu sightseeing entry permit Personal travel insurances Personal trekking equipment (sleeping bag,down jacket,trekking boots,sunglasses,sunscreen,gloves,trekking sticks) International air fairs and airport departure tax lunch and dinner in the city Beverages Hot shower Tips for the trekking crews

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