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Last Updated : Dec 17, 2018

Related Categories : Food Products

Raisins are the dried form of grapes. These are sweet, dried, seeded or seedless grapes which are packed with sugary sweetness. We export brown, green, golden, yellow and black raisins. All these varieties of raisins are because of different grape variety and drying procedure. We pay extra attention when it comes to uniform size and sorting of raisins. We promise to export matured and juicy berries which will give customers an everlasting taste. Nutritional value of raisins Don’t go with the size of raisins, they are small in size but contain much nutrition. A handful of raisins during snack time will cater you Vitamin B, iron and potassium. Besides this, raisins are rich in carbohydrates. Storage of raisins If stored properly raisins can last for years. We store matured and ready-to-eat raisins in air tight bags. Even during transportation we keep them in air tight containers in a cool environment so that they can retain their vitamins and other nutritional value. Packing 5 Kg, 10 Kg, 15 Kg net packed in a non-sealed, folded, poly bag in-turn packed inside a taped corrugated box.

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