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Sudarshan Consolidated Limited (SCL)

Sudarshan Consolidated Limited (SCL)

Industrial Growth Center, SIDCO Samba, Jammu 184 121, Nepal
Last Updated : Aug 05, 2017

Related Categories : Agricultural Equipment & Implements

Sudarshan Consolidated Limited (SCL) ( is one of the leading Agro Chemical Manufacturer & Exporter in India. At Sudarshan, we believe in fast sustainable growth based on a strong foundation of values and ethics. Sudarshan offers a healthy working environment that cultivates speed and teamwork. We have a diverse group of talented people in our organization who are continuously working towards developing and marketing crop protection chemicals for India and the world. Our manufacturing & exporting high-quality product range Are Insecticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Hybrid Seeds and Aqua Products. At Sudarshan Consolidated Limited, our primary goal is to work for the betterment of farmers across the World and improvement in farm productivity and loss of crops during and post-harvest pose a critical challenge to food security in the world.

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